This is MAHABHARAT and BHARAT - VK view
This is MAHABHARAT and BHARAT - VK view
I have received a message on Whats App with comparisons between few Mahabharata characters and today's politicians, it was termed as 'Mahabharat and Bharat'. I think this was fabricated by fans/followers of one particular group/person and seems like they are unaware of the characterisics of Mahabharata characters or ignored them intelligently (what they may be thinking of themselves) to their satisfaction). Original message is given below ...
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*Duryodhan & Rahul Gandhi*
```Both without talent. But yet wanted to be rulers on the principle of birth-right.```
*Bhishma & Advani*
```Never crowned. Got respect & yet became helpless at the end of their lives.```
*Arjun & Narendra Modi*
```Both talented. Reached the highest position due to being on the side of dharma. But realise how difficult it is to follow and practice.```
*Karna & Manmohan Singh*
```Both intelligent. But never reached anywhere being on the side of adharma.```
*Shakuni & Kejriwal*
```Both never fought a war, just played dirty tricks.```
*Dhritrashtra & Sonia*
```Both were blind for love of their sons.```
*Lord Krishna and APJ Abdul Kalam*
```We celebrate both of them but do not follow what they taught and preached.```
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Well, I would like to give my view (based on the Mahabharata related scriptures I knew/read and what I got to know from my elders about it. Here the question is not about whether Mahabharata was a real or a cooked story, so please ignore that here) on the above fan made comparison ...
1. Duryodhana has got loads of talent; take it his war/fighting skills, leadership qualities, administration or whatever it is - he was top rated. His desire to be an emperor to the whole kingdom was the main reason for him to be termed as bad guy, and it has got its roots from his childhood days where he faced discrimination by gurus and others comparing with Pandavas. There was not even a single incident/complaint or report on his administration skills/ruling. Just imagine how it would be if Krishna was not there on the side of Pandavas. Well, I don't want to refer Rahul Gandhi and his qualities here. But, comparing him with Duryodhana is utter disrespect to a great person like Duryodhana; and a great achievement to Rahul Gandhi.
2. Bhishma was never helpless, he himself opted to end his days in that way and he knew it very well. Bhishma rejected the offer to be crowned when he was asked to take up the role at his young age and continued to be a mentor. Advani though showed his eagerness and readiness to be crowned, he was rejected by the BJP high command/team due to his background as alliance parties may withdraw support if Advani crowned. And, he is helpless now. The comparison is not at all a reasonable between these two totally different personalities.
3. Arjuna has got talent, brevity and trustworthiness. But, he never reached highest positions, in fact he never aimed at that too. He, being a younger one, respected his elder brother(s) and stood by them. He was against the war where he had to kill his cousins and relatives. He never ran away from his family duties to dedicate himself to something else. He fulfilled family dharma and Kshatriya dharma, and stood as one of the best examples of brothers. Coming to today's hero Narendra Modi - he has got talent, skills and everything to be on the top chair. But, that doesn't mean he can be compared with the character of Arjuna. Modi is perfect example of today's politicians who preaches something and practices something else. Well, just watch the videos of his election campaign and check what he is doing now. Forget about political comparisons with Congress and other parties/people here - the matter is comparison between Arjuna and Modi here. The comparison is not reasonable and invalid ...
4. Comparison between Karna and Manmohan Singh - I really don't know what this person (who fabricated this comparisons) want to convey with this comparison. Karna, the best example of friends was highly talented in all the means. He ruled his kingdom (given by Duryodhana) to his satisfaction and by his principles (as per Mahabharata) within the limitations as he was a heading to a state under Duryodhana's kingdom. Manmohan might be an intellectual, but was never a great ruler. Everyone knows his 'yes madam' story. So, there is no comparison between a person who stood by his friend and who surrendered himself before the 'power'.
5. Shakuni was a great intellectual, masterminded the fall of Duryodhana. He has got his revenge at the end. Shakuni was part of Kurukshetra war and he is the one who encouraged others to kill Abhimanyu against the protocol on the war field. Forget about comparisons with Shakuni here, but Kejriwal is one person who is continuously fighting for something or the other. He was and he is a fighter (I am not fan of him at all) and fought elections, elected by people. He is aiming bigger chair without knowing his abilities/capacities. Kejriwal's is a direct fight most of the times while his opponents opting background and blackmail politics. Shakuni and Kejriwal are totally differnt ends in terms of persona.
6. Dhritarashtra was blind by birth. And, it was showcased that he was blinded by love towards his sons. But, the fact was Duryodhana did not accept Dhritarashtra's many suggestions though he tried to do at least little justice to Pandavas. As termed and showcased, everyone was a pawn in the game played by Krishna in Mahabharat. Coming to Sonia, she played many tricks in the game herself (of course as per the suggestions by her advisory committee) not like Dhritarashtra. She never tried to satisfy other group (here - take it as common man) to a min extent too. Comparison between them is not justified.
7. Comparison between Krishna and Kalam. Krishna was everything in the game, he changed the game & rules according to his wish. Of course he was regarded as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and has got all the abilities to change everything according to his wish. He never obeyed any rules, instead he changed them accordingly to win the game. Coming to Kalam, he was like the character of Rama. He lived his life according the principles or dharma sutras. He was never a game player, he tried to justify his role in the game.
Overall, above comparison which clearly seems like fabricated by the fans of one particular person/group shows that they are really not aware of the characteristics of Mahabharata characters or ignored to their satisfaction I think. Except for little similarities between the characters of Dhritarashtra and Sonia (for their blind love towards to their successors), all the other comparisons are not a worth. Well, love and respect the leader whomever you want. But, don't give them status of God or compare them with the personalities in puranas or in the past. I too respect, love and support Modi to be on the top chair for longer despite my dissatisfaction as he is ignoring what he promised to AP earlier and few other things like his double standards in black money issue, Bihar, Kashmir (sharing power with whom they opposed earlier), keeping silent (like Manmohan did) on scams/accusations on his own party leaders, alliance parties like CBN etc. That is altogether different point here. One last line - comparison must be done between the equals and contemporaries.
I have received a message on Whats App with comparisons between few Mahabharata characters and today's politicians, it was termed as 'Mahabharat and Bharat'. I think this was fabricated by fans/followers of one particular group/person and seems like they are unaware of the characterisics of Mahabharata characters or ignored them intelligently (what they may be thinking of themselves) to their satisfaction). Original message is given below ...
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*Duryodhan & Rahul Gandhi*
```Both without talent. But yet wanted to be rulers on the principle of birth-right.```
*Bhishma & Advani*
```Never crowned. Got respect & yet became helpless at the end of their lives.```
*Arjun & Narendra Modi*
```Both talented. Reached the highest position due to being on the side of dharma. But realise how difficult it is to follow and practice.```
*Karna & Manmohan Singh*
```Both intelligent. But never reached anywhere being on the side of adharma.```
*Shakuni & Kejriwal*
```Both never fought a war, just played dirty tricks.```
*Dhritrashtra & Sonia*
```Both were blind for love of their sons.```
*Lord Krishna and APJ Abdul Kalam*
```We celebrate both of them but do not follow what they taught and preached.```
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Well, I would like to give my view (based on the Mahabharata related scriptures I knew/read and what I got to know from my elders about it. Here the question is not about whether Mahabharata was a real or a cooked story, so please ignore that here) on the above fan made comparison ...
1. Duryodhana has got loads of talent; take it his war/fighting skills, leadership qualities, administration or whatever it is - he was top rated. His desire to be an emperor to the whole kingdom was the main reason for him to be termed as bad guy, and it has got its roots from his childhood days where he faced discrimination by gurus and others comparing with Pandavas. There was not even a single incident/complaint or report on his administration skills/ruling. Just imagine how it would be if Krishna was not there on the side of Pandavas. Well, I don't want to refer Rahul Gandhi and his qualities here. But, comparing him with Duryodhana is utter disrespect to a great person like Duryodhana; and a great achievement to Rahul Gandhi.
2. Bhishma was never helpless, he himself opted to end his days in that way and he knew it very well. Bhishma rejected the offer to be crowned when he was asked to take up the role at his young age and continued to be a mentor. Advani though showed his eagerness and readiness to be crowned, he was rejected by the BJP high command/team due to his background as alliance parties may withdraw support if Advani crowned. And, he is helpless now. The comparison is not at all a reasonable between these two totally different personalities.
3. Arjuna has got talent, brevity and trustworthiness. But, he never reached highest positions, in fact he never aimed at that too. He, being a younger one, respected his elder brother(s) and stood by them. He was against the war where he had to kill his cousins and relatives. He never ran away from his family duties to dedicate himself to something else. He fulfilled family dharma and Kshatriya dharma, and stood as one of the best examples of brothers. Coming to today's hero Narendra Modi - he has got talent, skills and everything to be on the top chair. But, that doesn't mean he can be compared with the character of Arjuna. Modi is perfect example of today's politicians who preaches something and practices something else. Well, just watch the videos of his election campaign and check what he is doing now. Forget about political comparisons with Congress and other parties/people here - the matter is comparison between Arjuna and Modi here. The comparison is not reasonable and invalid ...
4. Comparison between Karna and Manmohan Singh - I really don't know what this person (who fabricated this comparisons) want to convey with this comparison. Karna, the best example of friends was highly talented in all the means. He ruled his kingdom (given by Duryodhana) to his satisfaction and by his principles (as per Mahabharata) within the limitations as he was a heading to a state under Duryodhana's kingdom. Manmohan might be an intellectual, but was never a great ruler. Everyone knows his 'yes madam' story. So, there is no comparison between a person who stood by his friend and who surrendered himself before the 'power'.
5. Shakuni was a great intellectual, masterminded the fall of Duryodhana. He has got his revenge at the end. Shakuni was part of Kurukshetra war and he is the one who encouraged others to kill Abhimanyu against the protocol on the war field. Forget about comparisons with Shakuni here, but Kejriwal is one person who is continuously fighting for something or the other. He was and he is a fighter (I am not fan of him at all) and fought elections, elected by people. He is aiming bigger chair without knowing his abilities/capacities. Kejriwal's is a direct fight most of the times while his opponents opting background and blackmail politics. Shakuni and Kejriwal are totally differnt ends in terms of persona.
6. Dhritarashtra was blind by birth. And, it was showcased that he was blinded by love towards his sons. But, the fact was Duryodhana did not accept Dhritarashtra's many suggestions though he tried to do at least little justice to Pandavas. As termed and showcased, everyone was a pawn in the game played by Krishna in Mahabharat. Coming to Sonia, she played many tricks in the game herself (of course as per the suggestions by her advisory committee) not like Dhritarashtra. She never tried to satisfy other group (here - take it as common man) to a min extent too. Comparison between them is not justified.
7. Comparison between Krishna and Kalam. Krishna was everything in the game, he changed the game & rules according to his wish. Of course he was regarded as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and has got all the abilities to change everything according to his wish. He never obeyed any rules, instead he changed them accordingly to win the game. Coming to Kalam, he was like the character of Rama. He lived his life according the principles or dharma sutras. He was never a game player, he tried to justify his role in the game.
Overall, above comparison which clearly seems like fabricated by the fans of one particular person/group shows that they are really not aware of the characteristics of Mahabharata characters or ignored to their satisfaction I think. Except for little similarities between the characters of Dhritarashtra and Sonia (for their blind love towards to their successors), all the other comparisons are not a worth. Well, love and respect the leader whomever you want. But, don't give them status of God or compare them with the personalities in puranas or in the past. I too respect, love and support Modi to be on the top chair for longer despite my dissatisfaction as he is ignoring what he promised to AP earlier and few other things like his double standards in black money issue, Bihar, Kashmir (sharing power with whom they opposed earlier), keeping silent (like Manmohan did) on scams/accusations on his own party leaders, alliance parties like CBN etc. That is altogether different point here. One last line - comparison must be done between the equals and contemporaries.
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